Homemade Stewed Tomatoes: Canning Recipe

Every household has a bunch of tomatoes waiting to be used somewhere in one of the pantries. Do you ever wonder what to do with all the tomatoes in your kitchen? Well stewed tomatoes canning recipe would certainly help you out here. These stewed tomatoes are perfect for various culinary applications, such as a rich and savory base for soups such as minestrone or as a zesty complement to pasta sauces. Do you have an adventurous spirit? Add some spice to them for Mexican or Indian food to take your meals to new culinary heights. However, the key to their delectability is the straightforward blending of tomatoes, onions, and celery, which brings out the natural juices and rich flavor. It doesn’t matter what kind of tomato you use; a steak, a plum, or a combination of many kinds will all turn up deliciously. 


Stewed Tomatoes Canning Recipe

With the delicious stewed tomato canning recipe, you can perfectly capture the spirit of summer’s harvest! With little work, this easy procedure will help you preserve the best qualities of ripe tomatoes, whether you’re a seasoned canner or just getting started. When you open a jar in the dead of winter, you’re taken back to days in the garden filled with sunlight. Here’s a helpful hint: these stewed tomatoes freeze well rather than can if you’re pressed for time or energy. So, let’s set out to preserve summer’s flavor, one jar at a time!


What Are Stewed Tomatoes?

Now, you must also be wondering what stewed tomatoes are.

Simply described, stewed tomatoes are crushed tomatoes that are cooked with a variety of vegetables and spices to make a tasty base for a variety of recipes. Stewed tomatoes are a diverse culinary delight. The versatility of stewed tomatoes makes them so beautiful, even though onions and peppers are popular additions. You can alter them to your preference by adding different peppers, celery, garlic, and carrots to the flavor profile to give them more nuance and complexity. Another important component is the seasonings, which can be anything from spicy cayenne or chile pepper to fragrant herbs like oregano and basil. The secret is to balance showcasing the tomatoes’ inherent sweetness and boosting their flavor with well-selected additions. And keep in mind that when using your stewed tomatoes in recipes, you can always adjust the salt to taste once it’s cooked


Kinds of tomatoes good for canning stewed tomato recipe.

Because of their low water content and solid, meaty texture, paste tomatoes are preferred for many home canners when preserving stewed tomato recipes. The following are some essential details regarding tomato varieties suitable for canning stewed tomato recipes:

Popular paste tomato varieties

These include Roma and Amish Paste, renowned for their potent flavors and quick cooking times.

Efficient Cooking

The thick flesh of paste tomatoes shortens the time required to cook them to a stew-like consistency, which expedites the canning process.


Any tomato variety can be used to can stewed tomatoes, each adding its distinct flavor and texture. Paste tomatoes are recommended, but any kind will work.

Varieties in Flavor and Texture

Try experimenting with various tomato types for a varied culinary experience. Various tomato varieties may result in variances in flavor and texture.


Ripeness Matters

Choose ripe, vibrant red tomatoes for the greatest results in your stewed tomato canning endeavors, whether you’re producing your own or buying from a farmer’s market.

Cheaper Alternatives

Ask about cheap boxes of very ripe tomatoes at farmer’s markets; these tomatoes are ideal for preserving even though they don’t look perfect.

Remembering these things, you can choose the perfect tomatoes for your stewed tomato canning and enjoy the delectable results all year.


Canning Recipes for Stewed Tomatoes

This easy yet satisfying method lets you preserve the essence of perfectly ripe tomatoes, regardless of your experience level with canning. Every spoonful of food from each jar offers a taste of homemade goodness, from the rich infusion of herbs and spices to the tempting perfume of onions, garlic, and peppers. Fresh tomatoes can become a pantry staple great for soups, sauces, and much more with only a few basic ingredients and the correct tools. Let’s jump to recipe.


  • Peel and chop 28 medium-sized or big tomatoes (about 8 pounds) into eight pieces.
  • Two large/medium onions, chopped
  • Diced six garlic cloves, eight celery stalks, and four large green bell peppers with seeds removed
  • One-fourth cup of olive oil
  • One teaspoon of black pepper and two tablespoons of salt
  • Two tsp sweet or spicy paprika
  • Two tsp of dried oregano
  • A bit of citric acid




Warm up 1/4 cup of olive oil in a big pot over high heat.

Cook the chopped onions for 5 to 10 minutes over medium-high heat or until tender.

Add the chopped garlic and stir. Cook for a further two minutes or until fragrant.

Cook the green peppers and diced celery for five minutes.

Stir the oregano, paprika, black pepper, and salt to season.

Stir after adding the tomatoes to the pot.

Cook, uncovered until the mixture reaches the desired thickness, about 45 minutes.

While the stewed tomatoes are simmering, clean your jars, lids, and bands with hot water and soap.

Add 3 quarts of water to your pressure canner and bring it to a simmer.

When the stewed tomatoes are done, spoon them into sterilized jars, leaving 1 inch of headspace, using a canning funnel.

Eliminating any air bubbles using a bubble remover, then wiping the jar rims with a paper towel.



The jars’ lids should be centered before being banded shut. Ensure the filled jars are not in contact with one another as you place them in the pressure canner. After closing the canner, give the steam ten minutes to escape. After venting, process the jars for 20 minutes at 11 psi (adjust for altitude if necessary). Before opening, turn off the heat and let the canner cool fully. Let them sit there for ten minutes before taking the jars out of the boiling water. After removal, let the jars cool fully on a cloth or cutting board for ten to twelve hours. Press the center of the lids to see if they are sealed; if they are, remove the bands, mark the jars, and keep them for up to a year in a cool, dark place. Store in the refrigerator or reprocess if any jars don’t seal.


Stewed tomato recipe for canning water bath process

  1. Fill the canner with water two to three inches over the tops of the jars.
  2. Boil the water, then process the pints for forty minutes and the quarts for fifty minutes if the altitude is less than 1,000 feet.
  3. For altitude, adjust processing time.
  4. After processing, turn off the heat and give the canner five minutes to cool.
  5. Jars can be removed with a jar lifter and placed on a towel counter.
  6. Jars should be left alone to cool for 12 to 24 hours.
  7. After cooling, check the sealing on the lids.
  8. Remove the ring bands, clean, mark, and date the jars.
  9. Tomatoes in cans should be kept for 12 to 18 months in a cold, dark place.
  10. Once jars are opened, refrigerate and consume within a week.


Peeling Tomatoes for Canning Stewed Tomatoes

Peeling off tomatoes for your canning stewed tomatoes recipe can be a bit of an extra task. However, there is a simple way to do it more efficiently.

  • To make peeling tomatoes easier, freeze them before processing.
  • Thaw the tomatoes in a sizable mixing basin for over 15 minutes to thirty minutes on the counter.
  • Make an “x” in the lower part of every tomato.
  • Peel the skin; it should come off without much difficulty.
  • On the other hand, blanch tomatoes in hot water.
  • Heat a big saucepan of water until it boils.
  • A big bowl of water with ice should be ready close by.
  • For two to three minutes, add tomatoes to the boiling water.
  • Tomatoes should be quickly moved to the ice bath to chill.
  • Peel off the skin from the “x” at the bottom.
  • Continue with the stewed tomato canning recipe.


Equipment Needed for Stewed Tomatoes Canning Recipe

Before starting your stewed tomato canning project, always ensure you have the following supplies.

  • Mixing bowls (having multiples could be handy)
  • A hardwood cutting board is a preference.
  • Chopping blade
  • A large pot of water
  • Wooden spoon
  • Spoon measurements
  • Jars that hold one quart (or pints, if preferred)
  • Bands and lids (it’s best to get fresh lids)
  • Pressure canner (like All-American or Presto)
  • If a pressure canner is not in use, a water bath canner is optional.
  • Utensils for canning (jar lifters, bubble remover, and funnel)
  • Ladle
  • Paper towels
  • Large saucepan or Dutch oven with enamel
  • Funnel for canning tomatoes
  • Jars for canning, pint or quart jar
  • Ball Blue Book of Home Preserving Jar Lifter

With this selection of tools, you’ll be ready to tackle the canning recipe for stewed tomatoes efficiently and easily, guaranteeing mouthwatering handmade goodness to savor all year.


Final Thoughts: Recipe for Canning Stewed Tomatoes

In summary, learning stewed tomatoes canning recipe is a fulfilling and delicious task. With the complete recipe, you will be all set to maintain the fresh taste of juicy tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions in each jar. Every stage, from the first blanching in boiling water to the last sealing in the pressure canner, ensures your stewed tomatoes keep their nutrients and freshness. Follow the recipe for stewed tomatoes in this article, whether you’re an experienced canner or just starting, and enjoy the results of your effort all year long. Keep an ice bath close at hand for rapid cooling and safe preservation; make sure you follow the recommended pressure canning procedures. You’ll always have delicious homemade jars once you know how to make this recipe.